How to Prepare for The Branding Experience

Personal Adventures
Portraits of Her
Brand Experience



I serve women owned small businesses here at Madalyn Yates Creative. Together we create a strategic plan to bring heart & soul to your brand through storytelling photos & beyond.

When I’m not behind the camera, you can find me hanging out in my office, sipping on a latte at local coffee shops, baking something delicious & traveling the world.


I am so so excited that you’re here and ready to learn more about

A Multi-Part Series: How to Prepare for The Branding Experience!

Here are my FIVE steps to prepare for YOUR branding experience:

  • Step #1: Let’s Storyboard – This is the part that is most exciting but takes a lot of planning! But let me tell you, it’s so worth it! Are you ready?

    • Think about everything you want to share visually

      • services

      • products

      • courses

    • And then I learned this from the Brand Voice extraordinaire, Ashlyn Carter but I want you to think of the 5 hats you give yourself! Here’s mine for example:

      • Madalyn, the branding & lifestyle photographer.

      • Madalyn, the encourager/educator.

      • Madalyn, the explorer.

      • Madalyn, the baker in the kitchen.

      • Madalyn, the dog mom.

  • Step #2: Time for Nitty Gritty Details

    • So, we’ve spent the time imagining & dreaming up your storyboard and now we have to zoom in on the WHY this Branding Experience will transform & bring life into your brand! Here are the questions we will together walk through:

      • 1) How do you want your ideal client to feel when they see these photographs?

      • 2) What message(s) do you want to share through these photographs?

      • 3) How can you connect with your audience on a deeper level through The Branding Experience?

  • Step #3: The Things You Need to Invest In

    • Location – Finding the perfect location for your Branding Experience is important but I love to remind my clients that it isn’t something you need to stress about! As a photographer, I know how to turn a “yucky” space into a beautiful space! As long as there is natural light & space to move furniture to make the perfect space, we are good to go!

    • Florals – This is something that you may or may not think about! BUT it’s a game-changer for sure!! Having an arrangement on your desk or your kitchen counter is a gorgeous touch & lifestyle add to your Branding Experience!

    • Wardrobe Consult – Now, hair & make-up is included in your Branding Experience but sometimes we can get hung up on figuring out which outfits we should choose! I get it & here is my tip for you: reach out to a friend that is fluent in fashion and have them come “shop your closet!” Let them help you create 2-3 outfits that really showcase you and your personalities!

    • Videographer – This is something that is a new trend but I love it! Since I am spending the day photographing you, an added bonus would be to hire a videographer to create b-roll and a brand highlight for you!

  • And lastly, Step #4: Gather Your Belongings aka Your Props!

    • Gear – laptop, computer, camera, podcast mic, film, batteries, etc

    • Paper Props – planner, journals

    • What Inspires You – magazines, books, photographs

    • A mug with coffee or tea, a glass of wine or your beverage of choice

    • And a pet or family members that tell part of your story!

Alright, friends! If you read this and you’re ready to take the next step and invest in your brand, I’d love to walk you through this and dig even deeper together as we Bring Life into Your Brand!

You can schedule your Coffee Chat, here!

And as always, I am here to serve you so if you need me, I’ll be here!

P.S. Next week, I will share about How to Choose Your Outfits for your Branding Experience!

Business, Education, Featured Branding

© Madalyn Yates, L.L.C. 2014-2024

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