Branding Mini Sessions | What’s the Importance of Updated Photographs of You?

Personal Adventures
Portraits of Her
Brand Experience



I serve women owned small businesses here at Madalyn Yates Creative. Together we create a strategic plan to bring heart & soul to your brand through storytelling photos & beyond.

When I’m not behind the camera, you can find me hanging out in my office, sipping on a latte at local coffee shops, baking something delicious & traveling the world.


Branding Mini Sessions …

If you’ve been around for a while, you’ve seen me share results of branding mini sessions before and now I’m going to share the importance of updating your own photos multiple times a year!

You are going to evolve.

As a human being, overtime you change. You experience new memories, try new hobbies, eat new foods. You may love the things you’re trying or you may say, absolutely not. I think you get the point, you’re going to evolve. Same goes with being a business owner. In time, you’re going to work with clients you dreamt of, you’re going to work with ones that didn’t fulfill your vision. You’re going to find new rhythms. You’re going to evolve.

Having new photos taken of you throughout the year will allow yourself to see you through someone else’s lens. It allows you to put your new visions into a visual for your audience to experience as well. And I can guarantee you, you’ve outgrown the photos you had done of yourself when you started your business (hello, tripod and self timer days) so a brief thirty minute photo session is only going to improve your brand!

You might also expand.

Your business, that is. When we all start our entrepreneurial journeys we are the queen (or king) of all the things! We answer the emails, we respond to DM’s, we do the service, we make the product, we do the bookkeeping, we do it all!

Over the course of a few years and a lot of growth, it might be time to outsource or bring on new team members to your brand. And that is so exciting!! By scheduling a branding mini session, you are able to showcase that you’ve grown. Bring the new team members so your audience can meet them and see you working together as a team.

And last but not least, you may be celebrating something!

One of my favorite ways to end a branding mini session is to have clients bring confetti, champagne, or balloons! Not only is it a great way to get content of you celebrating an accomplishment in business but it’s also a great way for you to give yourself a pat on the back for choosing to invest in your brand and doing the dang photos!

I know way to many people who dislike (they say hate, but that’s a strong word) being in front of the camera so taking thirty minutes out of your very busy schedule to do this is something to celebrate! My main goal as your branding photographer is to make you feel noticed. To make you feel excited to be doing what it is you’re doing. To look back on the photos and remember how proud you were and are of yourself.

Featured Businesses:

Anna with Daisy Chain Ceramics

Kenzi with Kenzi Green Designs

Sarah with Sarah Burk

Joesph with Shelley Video

Catharine with Pintails Design & Catharine Haynes Realty

Cailtin with Caitlin Gregory Photography

& a huge thank you to Pioneers Durham for hosting this round of Branding Mini Sessions!

That’s a wrap! Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you feel encouraged to go out and book that mini session! Or heck, if you want to experience even more magic, it may be time to book a Branding Experience for your business! I’d love to chat with you, click here to start! xoxo, M

Featured Branding, Portraits

© Madalyn Yates, L.L.C. 2014-2025

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