Headshot Pop-up! A perfect time to refresh!

Personal Adventures
Portraits of Her
Brand Experience



I serve women owned small businesses here at Madalyn Yates Creative. Together we create a strategic plan to bring heart & soul to your brand through storytelling photos & beyond.

When I’m not behind the camera, you can find me hanging out in my office, sipping on a latte at local coffee shops, baking something delicious & traveling the world.


I am so excited to be hosting a Headshot Pop-up this summer!

Let’s keep this short and sweet because I know you are a busy entrepreneur so here are the details!

About the Headshot Pop-up!

For $150 plus NC sales tax you can have a gallery of refreshing, on brand imagery that brings life to your brand, pops off the page, and helps you connect with your audiences! These Headshot Pop-up slots will be 15 minutes long. After we capture, then we will sit down and look at your images, pick your favorite 5 (or more!) and then you’re free to network with the others there! Once I’ve completed all the sessions, I’ll head home and edit! Within 72 hours you’ll have your 5 edited headshots delivered to your inbox! Easy enough, right?

Headshot Pop-up AND Networking? You’ve got that right!

This Headshot Pop-up is unique because it’s also a networking event! Come beforehand or stay after your session to network with the other ladies. Or if you want, bring your laptop and crank out some work! We will have coffee, tea, and water available! Once Maxie B’s is open you can shop their sweet treats if you’d fancy!

I’m sure you have some questions … let me answer them!

  1. Can I change my outfit? Short answer, no. We’ve got 15 minutes to capture you in your element. I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed with having to make sure we remember to change. If you absolutely want to change a top or add a jacket, you can. Just keep in mind the time!
  2. How many people can I bring? These sessions are best for under 2 people! If you’re team is larger than 2, I suggest booking two slots back to back!
  3. Can I purchase more than 5 images? I’m so glad you asked! Yes! You can. When we are looking over the photos, let me know and we can add more to the “Edit” list. Each additional image is $15 a piece or you can purchase the whole gallery at $150!
  4. Can I cancel? No, these are not refundable. If something comes up that you are not able to make your time slot, you’re welcome to sell or gift to another colleague. If you share on IG about it, tag me and I can be sure to share to help you find a new home for your ticket!

Have more questions? Feel free to shoot me an email at madalyn@madalynyatesphotography.com!

Business, Personal

© Madalyn Yates, L.L.C. 2014-2024

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